Self-Hypnosis for healing?

Self-Hypnosis for Self-Healing

Self-Hypnosis for Healing

Self-hypnosis for healing or auto-hypnosis is a form, a process, or the result of a self-induced hypnotic state. Frequently, self-hypnosis is used as a vehicle to enhance the efficacy of self-suggestion; and, in such cases, the subject “plays the dual role of suggester and suggested”. Wikipedia

What is hypnotherapy?

Hypnosis is a mental state of increased awareness, suggestibility, and concentration. It can be used as a therapeutic tool for a number of conditions.

It is a highly safe technique that can bring increased self-esteem, confidence, assertiveness, relaxation, the list goes on. Self-hypnosis can be used during difficult times to help improve symptoms of many medical conditions for example, anxiety, pain, headaches and so on.

There are  three types of hypnosis traditional hypnosis, Ericksonian hypnosis, and self-hypnosis. Each type of hypnosis varies from one another in terms of practice and use.

Hypnotherapy Techniques


During a hypnotherapy session, people are guided through a process to induce a trance-like state that helps them focus their minds, respond more readily to suggestions, and become deeply relaxed. Hypnotherapy utilizes the heightened awareness of the hypnotic state to help you focus on a problem more deeply.09 Jul 2021

Source: https://www.verywellmind.com

What is self-hypnosis and how does it work?

See yourself through new lenses

Self-Hypnosis for healing?

Self-hypnosis involves becoming highly focused and absorbed in the experience while giving yourself positive suggestions about ways to reach your goals. Self-hypnosis is an individual practice, unlike when you are working with a therapist.30 Jun 2020
Source: https://www.mindsethealth.com

Interested in giving self-hypnosis a try?

Visit Spiritual Bazar’s FREE Self-hypnosis Playlist if you wish to experiment with guided ones.


Self-hypnosis, step by step: Source: Healthline

Get comfortable. Aim to wear clothing that helps you feel relaxed and at ease. Stiff, scratchy, tight, or heavy clothing might not promote relaxation.

Find the right spot. Settle yourself in a quiet room, where you won’t have to worry about anyone disturbing you. Silence your phone and sit anywhere comfortably, in a position that supports your back and won’t leave you feeling cramped.

Set your goal. What do you want to get out of self-hypnosis? Go into the exercise with a clear goal, whether that’s improving self-esteem, getting better sleep, or breaking a habit.

Focus your gaze. Find something simple within your line of sight to focus on, or create a point of focus by pushing a colored thumbtack into the wall or lighting a candle and focusing on the flame.

Begin breathing slowly and deeply. Inhale through your nose and exhale slowly through your mouth, letting your eyes rest on your focus point. Continue breathing, imagining that with each exhale, your eyelids are becoming heavier. Keep going until they feel too heavy to keep open.

Continue to relax. With closed eyes, keep breathing slowly, concentrating on your breath to keep your thoughts from wandering. When your awareness drifts off course, return it to your breath. If any part of your body feels particularly tense, imagine each exhale carrying the tension away.

Visualize. Using your senses, create a peaceful mental “happy place.” You might surround yourself with clouds of relaxing colors or imagine yourself walking along the beach, sitting in a field of flowers, or biting into a juicy, delicious slice of melon.

Spend some time in your scene. As your visualization begins to soothe you, imagine your body becoming very heavy, just as it does when you’re about to fall asleep. If it helps, you can even imagine yourself sinking slightly into the chair or sofa.

Affirm your relaxed state. Try repeating a mantra, like “I am calm,” or “I am at peace.”

Move on to your goal. Once you feel completely calm, use visualization to focus on your goal. Don’t skimp on the detail — make your scene as vivid as possible. Trying to sleep better? Feel yourself tucked into bed with your soft sheets. Hear the hum of the fan as you breathe peacefully in the cool darkness and drift toward sleep.

Affirm your goal. As you imagine yourself achieving your goal, mentally repeat it, such as “I’m speaking confidently, without feeling nervous,” “I’m sleeping peacefully through the night,” or “I don’t want to smoke. I don’t crave a cigarette.” As you repeat these words, direct compassion and encouragement toward yourself.

Let your body return to normal. After 5 minutes or so, prepare to leave the hypnotic state. Imagine each inhale drawing energy from the world around you, and each exhale sending it flowing through your veins. Each breath leaves your limbs feeling lighter until they return to normal.

Wake yourself. Begin counting down from 10, telling yourself, “When I reach one, I will open my eyes, energized and alert.”
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Below is exactly the program that SHOULD have been available for me when I first started out;

The home of the best hypnosis training on the internet.  Healing with Hypnotherapy /Jay Cataldo, IACT Certified Master TrainerJay Cataldo, IACT Certified Master Trainer CEO & Founder of LearnHypnosisFast.com

Go to Self Hypnosis Therapy Shop and find out more about this amazing program that claims a 90% SUCCESS RATE even if you’re a total beginner

Self-Hypnosis Tips and tricks

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Stay blessed, Stay put, in love, for love, with love & Sparkles for your amazingness!!

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Disclaimer: BodyMindSpirit.com is not intended to be a substitute for professional advice, diagnosis, medical treatment, or therapy. Always seek the advice of your physician or qualified mental health provider with any questions you may have regarding any mental health symptom or medical condition. Never disregard professional psychological or medical advice nor delay in seeking professional advice or treatment because of something you have read.


Turn your Thoughts into a Source of Love

Turn your Thoughts into a Source of Love

Turn your Thoughts into a Source of Love

Drift towards Love,

 Your thoughts are a Source of Love because love is endless…

Each small step towards awareness, mindfulness and healing in the Love energy arena that links and nurtures the well-being of the Body, Mind & Spirit, its interrelationship and connectedness, is a fascinating topic for me. How Love does it? Let’s figure this one out together along the way. Meanwhile, remember to share with us your view on the topic ¦)

Love is the link, that connects and drives Body Mind Spirit abundantly, and successfully, be it collectively or individually 

Love is the source of our divinity

Authenticity is the step ahead of Self-commitment to ‘truth’

IF you feel unheard … I can hear you now

Turn your thoughts into a Love Source is familiarizing yourself with Self-love

When we’re acquainted with self-love, we experience a sense of fulfillment. We do not feel isolated when alone and therefore experience emotional and spiritual abundance, connection, radiate love, and feel loved and appreciated in return.

          ” Solitude is a guilty pleasure of over-indulging treasured times”

When we’re NOT familiar with self-love

We build on an illusionary foundation. Our emotional infrastructure is shaky, needy, and lonely. We reside in a sandcastle, on a verge of falling apart any time – all the time; we look outside of ourselves for love, hoping to find somebody who can overturn this judgment of ourselves. 

“Loneliness is guilt painfully indulging in self-pity”

—–  ℘  —–

So now that we have an idea (the shortest version), about when we are and when we are not experiencing Self-love and the difference between Loneliness and Solitude, let’s dive a little deeper.

Before we go any further, I should say that I believe self-love is the only way to free our spirits from the miseries we subject ourselves to.

The practice of loving ourselves even if here and there is seeking to respect the essence of our being by living in harmony; With a healthy body, wise mind, and free spirit.

Abundance is generated when we intentionally Redirect all traffic to its Love Source.

Source: University of Minnesota Earl E. Bakken Center for Spirituality & Healing

…the brain and peripheral nervous system, the endocrine and immune systems, and indeed, all the organs of our body and all the emotional responses we have, share a common chemical language and are constantly communicating with one another.                                                                                                                                    … our thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and attitudes can positively or negatively affect our biological functioning. In other words, our minds can affect how healthy our bodies are! On the other hand, what we do with our physical body (what we eat, how much we exercise…) can impact our mental state (again positively or negatively). This results in a complex interrelationship between our minds and bodies.” by Dr. James Gordon (founder of the Center for Mind-Body Medicine)

 webpage:  https://www.takingcharge.csh.umn.edu/what-is-the-mind-body-connection

Turn your Thoughts into a Source of Love

(body, mind & spirit)

The physical, mental, and emotional interconnection is being learned  by us the hard way,

Love is a language that we all talk about or should and that does not mean language as we define it, “as the principal method of human communication, that consists of words used in a structured and conventional way”; I mean rather a language that transcends time and space, non-conventional, that we all know, talk and experience on an ongoing basis. As such, and from the “self” point of view, this is very useful to understand as I came to learn it the hard way myself.     

“Wake up to that Love. What is gone cannot return, what’s about to come needs to be recognized”(From the Winner stands alone book by Paulo Coelho)

Often, we individually cut ties, discredit, ridicule, detour, or withdraw altogether from this form of communication and so here’s how we sever self-love. Moreover, however, we deprive ourselves of healing and all sorts of divine things. We asphyxiate ourselves with the mind, ego-based thinking process. Only that, we all know at least a hand full of negative shit – that grows itself when we give wings to our imagination.

The law of perpetual transmutation of energy asserts that energy can neither be created nor destroyed. Still, it changes from one state to another. This means that the energy in the universe is always transmuting into and out of form.

Exploring our energy centers (called Chakras as I may have brought to light before) may well broaden anyone’s horizon about the relationship and dynamic of body-mind-spirit on an energetic level. More on this in future posts. If you haven’t already researched the topic, it is something I would encourage everyone to do.

Turn your thoughts into a Love Source

” We are just as brave in either direction we choose to go”, the difference is in the experience that we create for ourselves, and others in the process”


*Resonance as per Wikipedia is the phenomenon of increased amplitude that occurs when the frequency of a periodically applied force is equal or close to the natural frequency of the system on which it acts...

When we radiate love, we create a resonance that attracts more of a kind. We get to interact with our outer world in the same manner – the world in turn as if a mirror, reflects what we project back to us. We get more of the same back because we attract more of alike as it resonates with our vibration.

The Love frequency that our traffic embeds, attracts our tribe.

  • Chase peace in turbulent times, to get more peace
  • Face your fears as opposed to justifying them and choose your battles as many aren’t worth fighting for.
  • Relate to others with love. Using others as scapegoats is a disgrace to humanity.
  • What you give is what you get – Be generous, humble, and grateful before you ask for it in return.
  • Not doing to others what you would not like done to you is called self-care and self-respect.
  • You are your own ambassador; your worth begins from within and does not need anyone else to reassure it.
  • Acting amongst humans in resemblance of vultures, hyenas, and rats (although these are important) they are important for the eco-system, not necessarily for the human beings’ experience with one another

I encourage anyone to change and replace old outdated views or beliefs that can no longer serve them.  Isn’t it true that one can be physically incarcerated but spiritually and emotionally free? Often, we incarcerate ourselves all on our own – but still, blame others.

My burning desire for freedom to seek knowledge without boundaries from limitations, or narrow-minded and ignorant People, truth, authenticity, and love are the paths that lead me to serve others, and well I hope!? However, at least disillusioned by the masks that society wears.

“…allow yourself to become a different person than you are now than you were in the past and will be in the future…”

We are the exact person we believe ourselves to be, the question is, are you going to look at yourself in the rear-view mirror and expect to see a different you today?

The being you wish to be, the life you wish to live, and the potential you wish to have been yours, you have it, only your mind is your limitation.  Manifesting is projecting heartedly with pure intent and for the highest good of all anything and everything that we desire onto the universe unapologetically.

 Looking for reasons as to why it isn’t working for you is to lose complete focus on what you want. It is quitting at the start when things get hard because others are already doing a good job! IT IS A USELESS lifestyle – just saying…

It is up to each one of us to funnel or redirect all our traffic to its source, all of it. Together we can channel and transmute anything less than great to be changed.  The energy in the universe is always transmuting into and out of form. This means that ultimately, we humans have the potential to create a less painful, experience, perhaps less self-destructive. Be yourself a Link to this vision start now, start Within. Only we can stop sabotaging ourselves… to live a life with meaning.

Life is a journey, not a destination, for you, for me, this is… for all of us.

Where there is a will there is a way

     Spiritual Bazar – Playlist for more on the Connection

Stay blessed, Stay put, in love, for love, with love & Sparkles for your amazingness!!


Love that speaks the language of the world

Love that speaks the language of the world

Love that speaks the language of the world is the one and the only energy that activates our intelligence, our creativity, purifies and liberates us  – Paulo Coelho

The link connecting BodyMindSpirit is Love, this energy connected, flowing, and in balance creates bliss. It is up to us to regularly maintain and nurture. When we don’t, we stagnate, disconnect, and lack balance in all 3 levels, which are physical, mental, and emotional.

One for all and all for one.

Connected, flowing, and in balance, they support one another.

Love that speaks the language of the world

     Love that speaks the language of the world is the only one that has the power to transform & change us in miraculous ways

The world needs examples of people capable of living out their dreams and fighting for their ideas – The Valkyries

       Years of researching, witnessing personal and humanity’s evolution, collective awareness, and expansion on the subject of the mind-body-spirit connection have been a humbling experience, to say the least.

Considering the number of “seekers” like you and me, all the more it shows that we know that there is more to it, but continue the emotional, mental, and physical uphills & downhills, in short- suffering;

Observing day-to-day pains, stresses Mental, Emotional, and physical from simple ailments to chronic illnesses of all sorts, sure is a brutal reality, isn’t it? Anger, Fear and Anxiety are just a ripple in the vast ocean of factors contributing to chronic illnesses, cancer, and so on.

We are certainly not delusional for believing that our thoughts not only also create emotional and physically distraught.

When “emotionally bankrupted, we are unable to function or make normal daily decisions without feeling depleted at most levels”.

Dis-ease is a “lack of ease or comfort and is defined in the dictionary as a “disorder of structure or function in a human. Especially one that produces specific symptoms or that affects a specific location and is not simply a direct result of physical injury.

Mental issues can trigger Emotional dis-ease and vice-versa. How about these affecting us physically? See where I am going? Meanwhile, do we act as if we see it from such a perspective?

Why is it that even knowing that there is more than the eye can see, and we are right there is indeed-we still succumb to the devastation that our life can turn into?
Energy centers or Chakra translated to “wheel” in Sanskrit, can be imagined as wheels or flowers of free-flowing positive energy. Therefore unblocking, opening and cleansing our energy centers is a subject that matters to mention for a better understanding. When they are open (chakras), they work as a channel for the Love energy to run through it freely, which in turn harmonizes not only physical body, mind, and spirit.
I don’t think it’s exaggerated to say that most of us experienced this imbalance, stagnation, or disconnection at some point from time to time or a few times, this experience is different for everyone.       
Love that speaks the language of the world    Learn how to bring yourself back to your body — with this online teaching Body and Mind Are One. 

Our Body is the Vessel of the

Love that speaks the language of the world

Cherish it           

 Like me, many know that the body is our vessel. Mind, Emotions, and all that it entails reside in this magnificent, splendid, amazing body that we each have.

                                    How is it working and serving you? 
Mentally and emotionally Cleared and cleansed from blockages?

Energised and exuding Physical well-being?

Is it your truthful reflection?

However good or not is what we make of it. Further, taking ownership and care of our vessel is our job, no one else can do it on our behalf. Just like no one can stop eating for another to lose weight no one can take care of your body for you.

Firstly broken vessels exist, secondly, we all improve and heal over time. After that if or when we don’t even try? Loathing, lack of discipline, and commitment to the self is a self-inflicted failure.

Our Mind is the Engine that runs the

Love that speaks the language of the world

Be Mindful

The voice of the mind is an engine with all-time access to the vessel or body and heart or emotions that have the power and often does overpower, neglect, and disregard everything and everyone to our own detriment.

Our common sense always knows better, similarly many of us often silence it, neglect it, or both to create the illusion of safety, being in control which could not be further from the truth. 

We each hold the key to the freedom that we seek

Common practices that make no Common sense

Self-preservation: as the mind calls it, does not justify physical aggression, grudges, revenge, disrespect, or verbal abuse of any sort that inflicts hurt and pain onto others, it just doesn’t because nothing can justify such.

Justifying two wrongs does make a right! However, we use it against ourselves and each other. 

 We know that the “mind” is capable of produce, what corrupts us.

Giving wings to our imagination, spacing out, can be therapeutic at times, it can also trap us up indefinitely, with a tremendous negative impact and consequences, on our emotional and physical wellbeing. 

Last but not least we create and subject ourselves to our own cruelty. When we let the mind take no responsibility and ownership, we starve the vessel and damage our steering wheel. This merry-go-round succumbs us to physical illness, emotional disorders and so forth.

It is up to each of us to courageously break free from the toxicity we create for ourselves be it physical, mental, or emotional. 

             “If you think you are good, or you think you are bad, you are!

Making mistakes is human, we are here to learn however the role of taking responsibility goes without need to mention and so

mislead or misguided minds can be healed just the way broken bones and broken hearts are healed,” as says Elder Jeffrey R. Holland

Emotion guide the steering that leads us to the

Love that speaks the language of the world

Validate your feelings

Love that speaks the language of the world

Feelings should always be free. We should never judge  love by what we have suffered in the past              

Re-evaluating our belief system every so often should be part of our emotional hygiene, to avoid irreversible damage. Our Beliefs can constrict us further into the prison that we confine our beings into, hence sabotaging our engine and vessel. 

The brain registers the emotional pain of heartbreak in the same way as physical pain. Studies show that’s why we might feel like our emotional pain is causing actual physical hurt…

  • “I feel like my heart’s been ripped out”,
  • “it was gut-wrenching”,
  • “like a slap in the face”

                    – all hint at the way we associate physical pain with emotional pain.  Excerpt from the science behind a broken heart

To deal with tragic and traumatic events we dissociate. This is a protection and safety mechanism at our disposal as early as childhood, that serves us, as a coping mechanism. When some or most of these issues are then never dealt with, they become toxic, subsequently affecting our lives as they morphe our overall wellbeing.

In short, we’re all seeking a little of the same here, learn to speak & communicate through the universal language, Love.

To sum up, we’re as connected and capable of love as any other human being. How did you learn? You didn’t, you simply believe. You believe, therefore you love          The Witch of Portobello book by Paulo Coelho

Stay blessed, Stay put, in love, for love, with love & Sparkles for your amazingness!!

Click here for Spiritual Bazar Playlist- more on the Connection 

More on the Love connection series 

Message for the Heart

Life Happens for you

From Loneliness to Solitude

Transformation from within