Inner child and why working on it is Self-healing?

Inner child


Why working on it is self-healing?

Before I go any further about Inner child self-healing  I’ve got to say that back when I could not truly phantom the deep meaning of it myself, I simply dismissed it as to why would I want to give it any attention. like “rrrss, nonsense. I sure did, and so do many of us. You might be thinking just as much… Let me explain…

Your Inner child is who you once were before you were influenced by society and all the adversities of life.

It wasn’t until many years later that I revisited the subject. While exposing my own shadows, wasn’t easy it was certainly both undeniable & surprisingly worth it!

The question is are you ready to welcome change in your life? If so reading this with an open mind and being certain that you’re safe here (there is only you), learning doesn’t take up space on our hard drive after all… Be assured that you have nothing to lose other than, perhaps a max of 10 minutes of your time reading it. However, do know that I am only just scratching the surface of it here.

There are no right or wrong definitions for inner-child in the context I am referring to. The intent and attempt aren’t so much to define it but rather convey a meaning, a feeling an emotional engagement and so I invite you to continue to explore and go a little deeper.


Your Inner child’s Self-healing insight is a must for the transformation that you desire

I propose that you resurrect your inner joy, and begin looking forward to prolonging your inner contentment fearlessly, free-spiritedly, spontaneously reclaiming your power back, nurturing, and understanding the child within you. It is by helping care for the small version of you that you uncover your own kind of beauty, no matter who you are or where you are.

Acknowledging your “Inner child” is bringing back the fun into your life.

inner child fun                   inner child fun

     inner child self-healing

           The relationship between you and who you once was is the unfold for self-acceptance.

What kind of relationship do you have with yourself?

“You look at her and see the girl,

Who lives inside the golden world,

But don’t believe it, that’s all there is to see,

You’ll never know the real me.

She smiles through a thousand tears and harbors adolescent fears,

She dreams of all that she can never be,

She wades in insecurity, and hides herself inside of me.”  By Mariah Carey

Inner child self-healing

From childhood to adulthood, we evolve so much that we forget to remember who we have once been – our essence. We evolve physically, mentally, emotionally, and hopefully spiritually too, but the kid is still inside of you.

We remember the feelings,  and so memories are made of how we felt when the events occurred. A child that experiences trauma such as a loss of a loved one, being molested… abused in any way shape or form has these memories stored as feelings. The accuracy of the event itself years later is likely blurred, forgotten, the details are lost in time however how you felt back then, not.

These are translated and experienced throughout life such as betrayal, rejection, abandonment, shame, guilt, depression, anger and it goes on, regardless of how they’ve been repressed or how we at any point or the child dissociated.

Life goes on… kids grow up but those feelings never go away; haunt us every so often in one way or another, direct or indirectly, becoming part of who we are; Regardless of the years that go by those memories of insufficiency, inadequacy, abandonment undeniably influence our choices negatively, from childhood to adolescence and then to adulthood. The negative impact throughout life is undeniable as distorted decisions alter the trajectory that our lives take forever. Understand this, and your life can change for the better!

 Can we heal trauma from childhood?

If we can understand ourselves, our sorrows, and pains, instead of resisting and fighting them? Recognizing the internal chaos within and healing it? For sure as it changes completely what we experience externally too, in the world, within, or in relationships. Not only we can! We should!

Who would not like to experience contentment? peace? authenticity? healthy self-esteem? self-love… but for such, we need to change our thought patterns, what, how we think and perceive ourselves. Trust me a good start is by nurturing the child within us.

Inner child self-healing

I know it is possible to heal your inner child blockages because I have and am succeeding at it myself because I wanted to experience life with fewer limiting beliefs, and live as a more pleasurable, fulfilling, and meaningful life. Don’t you?

Inner child self-healing means that we honor the sacredness of our personal experience

To honor the sacredness of every experience we would want to begin “fine-tuning” to the frequency of our heart’s joy, playfulness, naughtiness, the good mischievous fun side of ourselves just as when we were kids careless and unafraid because we then felt safe!

“…going back and healing the little girl in me, so that the woman can be free… going back to the little boy within so that the man can show up and give himself permission to cry when necessary… By Lisa Nichols

inner child self-healing

What is in need of healing?

If you would like to explore further continue reading…

  • Allow repressed memories and emotions to resurface ( this is the monster we try to suppress at all costs)
  • Let the hurting version of you come to its expression, forgive who hurt you, what hurts you and why it hurts you
  • Count on the little brave hero inside to tell you “How and what hurts you most”
  • Did you as a child starved for confirmation, reassurance, love, or approval of any sort, or never got any? if so, today you can assure and promise your mini-you, that not only you can but you will take care of things better because now than ever before, and that everything will be ok. That he or she is safe.

If you can break this barrier, you will appreciate the value of digging deeper and nurturing yourself.

Caroline Myss is a five-time New York Times bestselling author and internationally renowned speaker in the fields of human consciousness, spirituality and mysticism, health, energy medicine, and the science of medical intuition. She is fabulous!

Caroline Myss in this video, Choices that can Change your life. The 3 key choices we can make to change our life. 


Hope you have watched it and enjoyed it. If not, I insist you give it a shot for only 26 minutes “time well wasted is never wasted time”, you may thank me later.

Practice and apply these concepts, and let them talk to you, lack of anything exists when we’re not aligned with our desires and wish-fulfilling. Healing opens the gates of the abundance you seek.

The focus is on your inner being; the basic and ultimate goal is self-love.

” Your Inner child says I see you, please see me too…” 

    Below is a guided meditation – for the beginning of your inner child healing – be brave, nothing is impossible.

If you have any feedback about inner child and self-healing in this context that you’ve tried or any questions about the ones I recommend, please leave your comments below!

Stay blessed, Stay put, in love, for love, with love & Sparkles for your amazingness!!

Inner child – Wikipedia

Spiritual Bazar – Inner child playlist  (tools for transformation)

Best Four Agreements book review

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