Do you take it all always too personally?

Do you take it all always too personally?

Do you take it all always too personally?

Why do we Do you take it all always too personally? This Story of Anger is a brilliant illustration of what goes on, in our life with reference to our emotions.

Ancient Philosopher Chuang Tzu says that if we are crossing a river, and an empty boat comes towards us, we will not get angry. We will gently guide the boat away. However, if we think there is someone in the boat, we will likely scream and yell at the person to steer clear.
Our Anger arises because we think someone is in the boat.
The goal he suggests is to empty our boat, empty our notions of self and others. The tendency is of course to prove that we are better than those who we oppose. Be a better separate self –

  Is the Story always that personal?

Do you take it all always too personally?   I believe that more often than not, we do take things too personally, we take words too personal, work too personal, and on it goes, ´he says she says´ story if it is not what you say, it is how you say it. Misinterpretations turn into actions that become a by-product of anger, a fire that burns, that inflicts hurt, pain, and distress. Is it not time we may at least try to not take ´everything´ so personally? so seriously? or as an attack that robs the smile off our faces on a daily basis? Can a simple comment, thought, word, message, picture, and expression have in itself the power that causes such distress? the answer is yes, we all have experienced anger in one way or another… how is it possible to change, if anger is someone else´s fault? Is this your story?

What´s my Story

I´ve been just as guilty along the way, the only time we can change the future outcome… is NOW, that is pretty much my story resumed. Only I am responsible for my happiness, my happiness is my responsibility and no one else’s, my peace of mind, body health, and spiritual contentment are mine to take care of, and nurture, and only I am in charge. Blaming someone else is like inflicting more of the exact same thing over and over again and expecting different results. I choose to allow myself to re-write my story every time something changes, is this your story too?

I have made mistakes along my journey, many actually, I have and still do miss some opportunities life brings my way to create a better story and so, when that is the case, I re-write my story! the change is not so much about the content of what I say in my story… Or the events (those I cannot control) but more so because of how we say it. How we each describe it. How we each portray it. Do I honor myself? Is my story as authentic as I tell it, and in which way does my story make a difference by sharing it with someone else? When and why is my story worthwhile telling others?

All Stories, memories ´good´ and ´bad´, are meaningful

From the hardest trials, we learn the most valuable lessons, it is here that we evolve the most, and also when sharing is then worthwhile. Good stories shared tend to be celebrations, of joy, it elevates you, brings laughter, a collective communion, yet both or either one add a glimpse of hope, that makes a difference in someone´s life. It is then that we know that we are not merely regurgitating stories for the sake of it, but rather for and with a purpose. Sharing is a reminder that one way or another, we all leave footprints.

 Anger rises because we think someone is on the boat

Do you take it all always too personally?

When all is taken too personal, the story is always and mostly one of a VICTIM. It is true, I agree 100%, and I validate that we are witnesses of the cruelty and survivors of the most horrifying crimes, but holding on to it, serves no purpose. Repeating our story over and over for pity, like a broken record, offers nothing, means nothing, it is full and yet so empty, so charged and yet so flat, perpetuates the pain instead of being liberating, it gives away your power instead of being itself powerful. We become invisible, boring to others, alone! We stay Angry and always right, what is the value in it, how can we possibly capitalize on contentment, freedom, or anything good for that matter, that way?

The good news is that choice is the key to change. Rewriting our story is a privilege that every single one of us is granted. That is right! it is a matter of choice. The story you tell others about yourself is meant to be told in a way that elevates you and others. Whereas demeaning stories will affect not only your dignity and self-respect but further sink you into the depth of darkness.

We are all in the boat called Story of life

Do you take it all always too personally?

Regardless of how small, how tiny, or minuscule an achievement was/is, every single experience has the potential to carry a powerful message, the potential to make a difference. Can we agree that it is then part of our personal “growth” and worth the limelight rather than focus our efforts in trying to prove that we are better than those who we oppose when we “take” everyone and everything personally? Growth at a personal level adds meaning to life, while taking everything personally, takes away the meaning.

Does It Matter, Why?

Yes, it does, I individually choose to change my story because, the story I tell not only is beneficial for my mind, body, and spiritual well-being as it is also meant to inspire others, the collective well-being because we all have been or are going through similar experiences and need a friendly word just like you are here reading this story. I hope that if it does not put a smile on your face, it at least makes some sense.

So, What´s your Story

Let your story represent who you are today!! Be loyal, authentic, caring, and gentle with yourself. I remind each one of us, myself included that we´re the Ambassadors of our legacy. The footprints that we leave during our journey in this lifetime, one way or another have and or will touch, impact directly or indirectly those going through similar experiences as ours, like mine. Make it worthwhile.

So, don´t take life so seriously, have some fun and enjoy the process and take things less and less personally.

The choice to change is the precise key and the same tool you, me and everyone have, to re-write our stories and make a difference.

Your choice of Story        

When you are crossing the river of life, remember to empty your boat. You don´t become what others think of you, just as no one became what you thought of them.

Judgment only subtracts from your experience. “You cannot pour milk out of a jar, without ´there being ‘milk in the jar in the first place”; just as we can not pour anger at someone if there was no anger inside us in the first place!

No one triggers or presses the wrong button… choose to change your story instead.

The best version of your story is the best version of you. Let yourself shine, you don´t need to deserve to shine, you shine because we are energy, the matter is how bright you´re shining, here and now. The choice is entirely yours. We´re diamonds, all of us, it is just a matter of polishing each of its facets one at a time, my friend, you are allowed to do, without permission.

Be your own kind of beautiful! Be the best version you can be.

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Stay blessed, Stay put, in love, for love, with love & Sparkles for your amazingness!!